Our Programs


Like Chagall, we believe art is an expression of love. Ilan expressed that love by visiting art museums and sketching what he saw. Be it creating art with a local artist or viewing works of the great masters for the very fist time, experiences like these encourage a broader appreciation for art and its connection to the world around us.


Playing an instrument can unlock a whole new world.  A day without music did not exist for Ilan.  Most days he practiced his cello, some days he sang songs about his butt, and on very special days, he attended shows at venues like Ravinia Festival and the Lyric Opera. We provide opportunities for children to build skills, create community and foster a life-long love of music.


Sunshine, freedom, a walk in the woods. Is that the recipe for happiness? We don’t know, but we can guarantee being one with the natural world will uplift your mood. Ilan loved to be in nature:  hiking along a cliff listening and looking for birds, on a beach searching for shells, or in the prairie marveling at the colors.


Every book is an adventure, taking children to places they have never been before or dropping them into current problems they might themselves be facing. You are never alone when you read because the characters stay with you. Ilan was a voracious reader, first being read to and then reading himself, at night before bed, in the morning before rising, any chance he got.  Reading fuels the imagination and solves problems. Every child should be able to open a book and delve into her or his own adventure.


Team sports aren’t for every child.  Ilan was one of those children. Skateboarding became his sport, but he rarely skated alone. Skateboarding is daring, it’s about overcoming fears while learning new runs or tricks. Skateboarding is fun, challenging, and joyous, and it’s an Olympic sport. Skateboarding is also about community and problem-solving, which makes it a perfect match for our kids.